Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hmmm.... What type of photography am I into?
Black and White photography is probably by favorite. To me it gets rid of distracting colours, and lets you focus on your subject. Right now I don't paticularly have one certain kind of thing to photography. I just photograph whatever, whenever. I would however love to know how to take better portraits. By the end of the year I am sure I will ACTUALLY be able to tell you what I really enjoy photographing, but right now I'll just say a little of everything?

Photo By: Duncan McNairnay


Dwayne Larson said...

Taking pictures of everything is good. Looking forward to working with you this year!

Joshua Stevens said...

woot dare it is

Kelsey James said...

Sounds good Katryna! Hope to get to know you better. Have yourself a fine day!

ME said...

One +01 is 2 2 +2 is 4 but what is 13544698
6+898885+8-8-+8+5+8-=95+5989=764654646946346788789764787987 to the third power?

Candace Dunsire said...

hope you get rid of your cold soon!

Kelly Balkwill said...

i like taking pictures of everything too... we can be indecisive together.

Lindsay Bonk said...

I can't wait for more adventures around the city with you. I think we need to creep on more people!!!

rjmartin said...

Jurassic Park!?