Thursday, September 11, 2008

well here it goes.. my second blog of the day....

Ok. So, lets get started with things.

Photography has always really interested me. I remember I got my first point and shoot camera when I was really young, and just really liked taking photos wherever I went. I guess it was so I could remember where I had been or to remember a really great day I had. However, I had never really thought of photography as a career for me, more as a hobby or for the memories. To be completely honest I thought I'd end up doing something with video. I've always been a complete art freak. I'd spend a lot of my lunch times in high school in the computer room trying to make an assignment just how I wanted it. So when I moved to Winnipeg last fall, I needed something to do to keep me occupied. So I search what was going on in the city for courses and what not. And guess what popped up? Photography classes right as PraireView. Now since I had always been interested (just never had any real access to learning all about photography) I decided, Hey why not? It will be fun. The course that I enrolled into was a darkroom class. Once we got into that room, I never wanted to leave it. I loved how your images just "appeared" right in front of you after having to wait so long to actaully be able to see them. Once that class ended, I knew I REALLY wanted to actually get into photography and try to make it a career.
I also eventually one day want people to be like "Hey, thats pretty awesome", just like I do to so many other peoples' work.

As far as what I want to learn this year, that answer is simple. EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING! It just feels so good to actually be able to get into the school, that whatever the teachers need to teach me to become a very skilled photographer I will take and use. I really want to learn how to take great portraits, and how to make lighting work in certain situations.

Now Okay, For the last question. Hmm... I decided to answer the secret question. Why? well because it is honestly probably the easiest one to answer. So hear it goes...and please people don't judge me, I am opening up and telling you a very deep secret that not very many people know....

I am scared of the Jurassic Park videos. There it is, its out. It feels so good to finally be able to get that out there. It's been haunting me WAY to long. :)

Well that is the end of the blog. Considering I absolutley hate blogging, I wrote quite a fair bit. I'm shocked with myself.

Have a good day everyone!


Carly Alexandra Stevenson said...

Im guessing you're scared of dinosaurs then?? if that's the case then I wish I had the same fear!! Oh and this is Carly from group A btw

Sara said...

Jurassic Park is my favorite movie... I have a dinosaur comparible size chart poster in my hallway, lol. Raptors are so cool.